We are heartbroken by the recent policy changes regarding treatment of Transgender members of the church. Join us for a candid discussion of these changes, ideas for providing better support for those who are suffering as a result of the changes, and providing feedback to church leaders regarding this policy.
“Willing to mourn with those that mourn; and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things and in all places…” and with all people. This promise in the baptismal covenant has been continually on my mind over the last few weeks as I have witnessed the pain of so many beloved children of God since the recent changes in the Handbook regarding Transgender members of the church.
Transgender people are some of the most marginalized by both the church and larger society. Let’s focus on how we can help them directly, and how we might be able to influence change in these new policies—how we can advocate and importune for them to receive the same privileges all of God’s children enjoy.
This Hearth will be an opportunity to discuss, to listen, and to learn; and also to create an action plan for some things that each of us can do to provide feedback and advocacy.
The Menlo Park Stake President asked to meet with us a couple nights ago to discuss how this policy is affecting us and those in the Hearth community. We were able to talk about the hurt, anger, and confusion we feel about the new policy. He listened carefully and openly, asking questions and working to understand our feelings and those of our community affected by this. He has been asked by the local Area Authority Seventy to gather feedback about the policy change. In response, we’re asking you—our beloved Hearth community to provide feedback that we can pass along to church leadership (Collectively and/or individually and anonymously if you prefer).
How has this policy affected you and people you know? How has it affected your relationship with the church? In what ways should the policy be re-written to better serve these precious children of our Heavenly Parents?
This is an opportunity to learn how to expand our ability to love without conditions. We each have the ability to love where we stand and make a difference.
Please join us for an evening of discussion and advocacy on this most important and tender issue.
If you are unable to attend, but would like to provide feedback on the policy, please email Jeff@wises.net.