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10th Anniversary Hearth

  • 98 Moulton Drive Atherton, CA, 94027 United States (map)

LGBTQ Ministering In and Adjacent to the Church: Nurturing and Sustaining LGBTQ Saints

10 years ago this month we hosted our first fireside focused on how we could nurture and sustain LGBTQ Latter-day Saints. So much has happened in the ensuing decade as we’ve gathered together almost 100 times to share journeys and bask in a spirit of love and inclusion. Join us to look back at the changes over the last ten years and forward to the changes we hope for the future. Please come to celebrate and share memories, fellowship, and love. 

Our special anniversary speaker will be John Gustav-Wrathal, former president and executive Director of Affirmation, LGBTQ Mormons, Families and Friends. Despite having been excommunicated from the church in 1986, John has been active in his ward for the last 20 years. He has a testimony of the Gospel and of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He knows that there is a place for our Heavenly Parents’ LGBTQ children in the Kingdom. John is the author of Take the Young Stranger by the Hand, a history of the relationship between evangelical Christians and gay men. He has been published in Dialogue, Sunstone and other forums on the subject of LGBTQ people and the church. He lives with his husband of over three decades in South Minneapolis, close to their two sons.

Earlier Event: January 25
All Are Alike Unto God